It happens every day. Some random person comments on social and it makes me cringe. Today it was since. Yesterday it was For Sell, and before that it was something else. I get that we are all on different educational scales, that is necessary for the population to survive, we are supposed to be different. But it kills me that they, there, their, where, were, and other words like them are constantly slaughtered in sentences. No, I'm not a grammar Nazi, I'm bored.
I once dated a beautiful guy named Houston. 6'11, beautiful as can be, hard bodied, soft natured, attentive and dumb as a box of rocks. My best friends hated him because he was a little too affectionate and seemed to always turn up where we were (see I can use where/were). Houston worked at a gas station/garage/tow shop at night. He was bored so he would come and take my old Mustang Fastback and leave his dark green Camero and would work on my ride at night. It was fabulous and the reason we dated almost a year. He annoyed my friends, gave me attention, and turned my $1200 ride into new car piece by piece, night by night. I was in love with biceps, long legs, wrangler jeans, and new car parts. Until one evening my friends and I went to the state fair. Five girls in the yellow Buick screaming and laughing at nothing and everyone crammed in but happy. We were 2 hours in, a little tipsy from the Boone's in Lisa's purse, and suddenly there he was standing in front of the Haunted Roller Coaster. I ended up on his lap fighting his hands the entire ride laughing like a loon. 3 hrs later, 5 girls and one tall guy crammed into that Buick because his ride had left and it was a ridiculously uncomfortable long ride home. Well uncomfortable for my friends but fun for me, I was the one sitting on his lap :) One fart later, and my friends said we love ya, but he has to go, we hate him. So I lost my mechanic and my free parts and that beautiful smile but we stayed friends for years after.
Then along came Kelly ...........
